The Furlough Scheme is Changing

Picture of Written by: Liez Comendador
Written by: Liez Comendador
Picture of Reviewed by: Junaid Usman
Reviewed by: Junaid Usman
Furlough Scheme

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UK government has extended the furlough scheme until the end of September. Chancellor Rishi Sunak confirmed the extension during his Budget announcement on March 3, saying that the plan – which pays 80 percent of employees’ wages for the hours they cannot work in the pandemic – would help millions through “the challenging months ahead.”

Employers will be relied upon to contribute 10% towards the hours their staff doesn’t work from July, which will increase to 20% in August and September.”

Under current principles, all unnecessary businesses have shut. The current Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme was set to terminate toward the finish of April 2021. The plan, which paid up to 80 percent of the wages of around 9.5 million individuals (at the expense of £41.4 billion) from March 2020, could outperform £50bn.

The changing lockdown rules have left many individuals puzzled and worried about where their next paycheck will come from.”

To clear things up, this is what the public authority’s present furlough scheme means, what it can mean for you and how long it will last. The public authority may give new directions around the furlough scheme. The underneath data was right as of January 6. Anybody working in regular work (or on a PAYE premise) on October 30 can be furloughed. This remembers individuals for zero-hours contracts or those working deftly. HMRC has explained that organizations can rehire representatives who were made redundant after September 23 (the passing date for the Job Support Scheme), and they would meet all requirements for the plan. Representatives will not distinguish in their compensation parcels from the furlough scheme, yet employers are set to get more help from the government.

Lately, businesses were advised to top up furloughed compensation by 20%, while the government paid 60%. Under new principles, the public authority will return to paying up to 80% of individuals’ wages, up to a limit of £2,500 each month until July.

While the government refreshes the framework, employers can present their compensation guarantee to the public authority and be discounted a while later. From that point onward, they will be paid forthright to take care of the cost.”

The mentioned table shows the government as well as the employer spending for furloughed employees in the coming months.
July August September
UK Government contribution
70%, up to £2,187.50
60%, up to £1,875
60%, up to £1,875
Employer contribution
10%, up to £312.50
20%, up to £625
20%, up to £625
Minimum amount furloughed employee receives
80% of regular salary, up to £2,500
80% of regular salary, up to £2,500
80% of regular salary, up to £2,500


Being set on furlough is like planting leave. You would, in any case, be paid by your boss and will in any case pay taxes from your pay – however you would not have the option to keep working for your boss for the term of the furlough. For this situation, you would viably be paid not to work until the end of March. There is no assurance that your employer will keep you on after the scheme closes. What’s more, you won’t fit the bill for 80% of your salary if you acquire more than £2,500 each month on the off chance that you are furloughed. A business could decide to “top up” your salary, or you could be qualified for help through the government assistance framework, including Universal Credit.

If you receive a regular salary, the 80% should be calculated based on an employee’s actual salary before tax (their gross wage).”

If your pay fluctuates (on the grounds that you are on a zero-hours contract or universal working agreement, for instance), as far as possible, will be applied to that very month’s income from an earlier year, the average month to month profit for the 2019/20 duty year or a normal of their month-to-month profit since they began work. If you have any queries regarding your furlough allowance and your business is at a brink to shut down due to paying more wages, feel free to send us a message. We have a team of experts who can discuss and assists on your concerns.



1 July Furlough Changes – What You Need To Know. (2021, June 28). Retrieved from

Beware scaling back UK furlough scheme too soon, warns Resolution Foundation. (2021, June 18). Retrieved from

Check if you can claim for your employees’ wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. (2021, June 17). Retrieved from

Check if you can claim for your employees’ wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. (2021). Retrieved from

Check if you can claim for your employees’ wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. (2021, June 17). Retrieved from

Covid: How is furlough changing and when will it end? (2021, June 25). Retrieved from

Low-paid UK workers ‘most at risk of losing jobs when furlough ends’. (2021, June 7). Retrieved from

Reviewed by:

Picture of Junaid Usman

Junaid Usman

Apart from being a partner at Legend Financial, Junaid is an expert on Business Tax including business management advisory services which has proven in the growth of company. He is a promising advisor with an ideology; "Any business success depends on the level of objectivity it maintains."

2 responses

  1. The information given here about the change to the Furlough Scheme was easy to understand, and clarified some key points which i myself was not aware of.
    One being the zero hours contract or universal working agreement section.
    Also the section on representatives who are rehired by an organisation who where made redundant after September 23rd meeting requirements for the plan.
    A very short, to the point, informative read.

    1. Hey Darren,

      Thank you for liking the article.

      This was little help in making people understand how furlough and other government supports are working during pandemic, a time of uncertainties.

      Please free to give a call should you need more consultant about Furlough or related supports from government.


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