The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme was initially introduced on March 26, 2020, and gave an underlying grant to independently employed people whose organizations were unfavorably influenced by the pandemic. The first SEISS grant was open for applications between May 13, 2020, to July 13, 2020, and was designed to cover the period between March 2020 and May 2020.
In order to help self-employed individuals, get through the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK government introduced SEISS, either as a sole trader or as a partner in an association. If you have been trading by maintaining a business selling goods and services or you are entirely independently employed, and even if association pages as a feature of your Self-Assessment tax return, then you are eligible to avail self-employment income support scheme.
“Under this scheme, you can work in your business or accomplish other work like new business or chipping in.”
“At the Budget, on March 3, 2021, it was confirmed that there would be a fourth and fifth round of grants.”
On March 3, 2021, it was reported that the fourth grant would assess 2019/20 trading profits on tax returns put together by midnight towards the end of March 2, 2021. A fifth grant was additionally declared. The remainder of the qualification standards remains generally unaltered from past rounds of the plan. You don’t have to have asserted before grants to get these later grants. It is at this point preposterous to expect to make a case for the first, second, or third grants.
Claims for the fourth round of grants (SEISS 4), which opened in late April and closed on June 1, 2021, were worth:
- 80% of average monthly trading profits,
- Three months’ time period
- Capped at an inclusive of £7,500
“The fifth round of grants (SEISS 5) will cover the period from May to September 2021.”
On 27 July the applications for fifth grant were opened. The money you get will directly depend on how much your annual profits has reduced to between April 2020-2021.
- £7,500 will be covered if your annual trading profits decreased to 80% of 90 days.
- £2,850 will be taken care of if your annual trading profits decreased to 30% and low of 90 days.

Grant won’t be available for individuals working on behalf of a limited company or a trust. In which, you should have to have;
- present your 2019 to 2020 tax returns at the very latest
- up to £50,000 profits in trade
- Equal trading profits as of your income through no trading.
At the point when you make your case, you should disclose to HMRC that you plan to continue to trade from 2021 to 2022 and sensibly accept there will be a huge decrease in your trading profits because of the effect of Covid-19 between May 1, 2021, and September 30, 2021. If you are unable to process the details of the scheme, feel free to contact us.
(n.d.). Retrieved from
Claims to SEISS. (n.d.). Retrieved from Gov.Uk:
HMRC issues alert to anyone self-employed claiming on the SEISS grant scheme. (n.d.). Retrieved from Eidenburghlive:
i news. (n.d.). Retrieved from How to claim 5th self-employed grant: When to apply for the next SEISS payment from HMRC – and who can get it: