As you secure other businesses’ premises, properties, and personnel, be sure to secure yours behind the scenes too, and by that, we mean the financial department. Like every other business in the UK, you’ll have to comply with different kinds of taxes, sort out your accounting matters, pass the SIA audits, and acquire other licenses that will get you ahead of other competitors in the sector.
Passing the SIA audits is your gateway to being recognised as a high-standard private security services provider, which, for every security firm in the UK, is one of the most intimidating goals. Admit it, you may be too. Legend Financial will help you thoroughly compile all the requirements and get the license your business will need to succeed.
Have a free consultation with one of our tax experts.
We will give you a quote and contract, and we will begin.
Sit back and watch how we make complex tax work look easy.
Not only will Legend Financial take care of your taxes and accounting aspects but we’ll also help you pass the most intimidating SIA audits in one go. Why take all these loads on your plate when you have us to take care of them all? We’re here to propel your reputation as a sterling private security services provider in the UK.
Rest easy. We have our very own security firm in the country too, Legend Facilities, a sister company of Legend Financial, so we know all the challenges this nature of business faces and their solutions. Accounting, taxation, and SIA audit assistance are what Legend Financial has been doing for more than a decade as well, so proficiency and remarkable results are what you can expect from us at all times.
We provide services to our clients based on the principle of honesty, sound knowledge, reliability, and integrity, assuring the best quality and relevant advisory to our clients’ individual and business tax needs.
Monday to Friday:
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Citygate House,
246-250 Romford Road,
London, E7 9HZ
Our Locations: Stratford , London, Hounslow, Milton Keynes, Manchester , Glasgow, Bolton
© Legend Financial and Tax Advisers Limited is registered in England and Wales, Registration number: 08103572