estate trust planning AND INHERITANCE TAX

Trust and Estate Planning

When it comes to trust and estate planning, there are surprisingly a lot of myths still believed in the UK which you might be guilty about too. First off, giving away your assets before you die will not make you exempt from inheritance tax. That only works when you’re out of the picture after 7 years. Every year, you can only give IHT-free gifts of up to £3,000 and that’s it.  

Whoever is stated in the will receives the assets, and only when you’re a legitimate civil or married partner can you be IHT-free. Inheritance tax can be hefty, but the good news is, the earlier you plan about it, the more you or your inheritors can save on tax obligations or be completely free from it. Legend Financial is here to guide you all the way.  

how it works

How it works

how it works

How it works

Why Hire Us?

No other tax firm is as dedicated when it comes to sorting out and helping curb down your tax obligations to the maximum as Legend Financial. Since 2012, we have helped a lot of clients in their trust and estate planning, applying all the means that fit their unique situation. 

Why hire us?

Having been in the industry for more than a decade, we know all the most effective IHT-reduction strategies there are. Our tax experts are so easy to work with too—a team of congenial, chartered accountants. Let us see how we can curb your liabilities as much as possible. 

Work on your trust and estate planning with Legend Financial now. The earlier you do, the more you get to reduce your IHT bills. Fill out the form below to ask for a quote.