Business valuation

Business valuationBusiness valuation is the calculation of a business’ economic value as a whole or a unit, serving as its price tag if it is sold. This service includes corporate valuation, gift, estate, and income tax valuation, buy-sell agreement valuation, financial reporting valuation, ESOP and ERISA valuation, etc.

Only trusted professionals should calculate your business’ market value. Various factors need to be considered before the value is accurately worked out. Be sure to seek professional help when you decide to calculate your business’ worth.

how it works

How it works

how it works

How it works

Why Hire Us?

The results of business valuation differ as they depend on the objective of the calculation, and here is where you’ll need our help. Calculating the value of your business wouldn’t be easy. Legend Financial has mastered the art of accurately valuating businesses after having done it for years.

Why hire us?


Let us perform a business valuation on your behalf and provide expert advice on this matter all for a reasonable price. Don’t hesitate to ask us how much.