British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has revealed plans to increase taxes on employees and firms, to try to repair the health and social care system. This has angered some in his prevailing party by contravening an election promise. The public authority will request that workers and firms pay an extra 1.25% on their National Insurance to support the changes.
“I accept that this breaks a manifesto commitment, which is not something I do lightly, but a global pandemic was in no one’s manifesto,” said Johnson.

“The new levies, which take effect in April, will raise £36 billion over three years.”

“Organizations firmly go against an ascent in national insurance commitments as it will be a drag anchor on jobs development at a totally significant time,”
“Firms have been pounded by a year and a half of Coronavirus related limitations and have developed gigantic tax troubles.”
(n.d.). Retrieved from Telegraph:
Clarke, J. (n.d.). Retrieved from BBC News:
Hayward, W. (n.d.). What the UK government’s new social care and tax plans may mean for Wales. Retrieved from